GDN is a global practice and culture built to provide value and purpose through extraordinary architecture and design. We offer each opportunity our unconditional passion and diverse experience, blending it with a progressive network of specialists and partners to help guide each effort with a uniquely tailored team that will best fit the intended goals and context.
Going beyond the built work itself, we strive to create innovative global solutions that align with international standards and quality. Our intentions are embedded in creating positive and meaningful environments that directly connect with their purpose, all while exceeding the expectations sought by our clients’...
and deserved by theirs...
This new hospital, in the heart of Providencia in Santiago, Chile, comes from a critical initiative to create a more fluid and state-of-the-art healthcare facility for La Asociación Chilena de Securidad (ACHS) and the affiliated workers it serves...
The older Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center had a history of mismanagement and even worse service. This project came from the critical need to reorganize and create a hospital that could live up to it’s namesake and provide a level of healthcare and services that this neighborhood deserved...
The Arauco Campus was born out of a unique link between the common goals of industry and academia. The joint collaboration between Duoc UC and Empresas Arauco was introduced as an opportunity through GDN...

training industrial technologies
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Today’s technical colleges fulfill such a vital role in higher education, by blending learning through direct training and application in many of our industries...